Friday, December 24, 2010

our gingerbread house

Last weekend, we went and saw a gingerbread house building demonstration. The chef's house was amazing.

So we incorporated some of her ideas into our house this year. Although, I didn't back the gingerbread with chocolate, much to my family's dismay.

The trick is to let the walls dry for 24 hours before adding the roof pieces.

Then the fun part: the decorating. The kids took pastry bags and candies and made a project of it this afternoon.

Here's the final product. Tomorrow, we get to eat it!


  1. It looks fantastic Julia! I know I want one :) Thanks for the pictures! I hope you have a very Merry Christmas!

  2. It really wasn't that hard to make at all. Too bad you can't help us eat it, since we have about 10 dozen cookies for tonight.

    Merry Christmas!

  3. It looks far too good to eat!

  4. Well, we ate the roof before we left it at my brother-in-law's house...
